General idea

The Intercollegiate Biotechnology Symposium (MSB) “Symbioza” is an annual scientific event created by students for students. Join us to share your knowledge, experience and, hopefully, great fun!

How does it work?

Annually in April or May, we invite students and young researchers in biotechnology, and related disciplines to come to Warsaw, Poland to celebrate diversity in science. The main aim of the conference is to exchange the experiences and knowledge, to integrate biotechnology students in Poland and beyond, as well as to establish new scientific cooperations, and meet other people with similar interests.

The conference consists of a series of plenary lectures given by professors who present different aspects of biotechnology. Then, we invite the participants to present their achievements as talks or posters. The best presentations in a given category are rewarded with very practical prizes such as pipette sets. Career meetings, industry lectures, and applied scientific workshops are also organised as side events. Finally, MSB “Symbioza” is widely known for its social events such as urban games and parties.


How did it begin?

Symbiosis“, in Polish “Symbioza“, is a type of inter-species interactions that lead to mutual benefit. In 2011, we, the students of the three most important Warsaw universities (University of Warsaw, Warsaw University of Technology, and Warsaw University of Life Sciences), were comparing curricula of biotechnology at all the universities. It was apparent that they are so different, but it was impossible to say which program was the best. In a sense, the three universities and their students complemented each other. Upon agreement that celebrating the differences without indicating a leader is worthy, we decided to organize a nationwide conference to celebrate this scientific “symbioza”. Now, we are about to organise it for the 11th time, now operating all together as the Warsaw Society of Biotechnology.

More info about the Society and its founding biotech students interest groups from the three universities you will find in the organisers section. MSB “Symbioza” is honoured to carry the name of Prof. Krzysztof W. Szewczyk, a prominent scientist, a pioneer who greatly contributed to developing biotechnology in Poland. Learn more about the patron here.