Warsaw Society of Biotechnology ‘Symbioza’ (WSB ‘Symbioza’) was established in 2013, thanks to cooperation between students from three major Warsaw universities: University of Warsaw, Warsaw University of Life Sciences and Warsaw University of Technology. WSB ‘Symbioza’ brings together young life sciences enthusiasts with a particular interest in biotechnology who want to share knowledge and experience with students and scientists coming from around the world. The main purpose of the Society is popularisation and increase of consciousness in society about biotechnology by organizing a wide range of activities.
The Intercollegiate Biotechnology Symposium ‘Symbioza’ (IBS ‘Symbioza’), being the Society’s oldest and most important event, is a scientific conference addressed to international students and PhD candidates who want to broaden their knowledge on biosciences. For many, this is the first opportunity in their research careers to present their findings to wider audience. The symposium serves also as a forum to network with young scientists around the world, which leads to successful collaborations, internships, etc. The 8th edition of IBS ‘Symbioza’ was awarded in the StRuNa Competition as ‘Conference of the year 2019’.
Feel the Flow is a project which aims to popularize science among the public in an informal and friendly atmosphere, as well as discuss issues that people face pursuing scientific career. This is realized with a series of meetings (recently online) with renowned science communicators from different branches of life sciences – from physics and chemistry through biology to medicine.
BARWy (Biotechnological Aspects of Various Choices) is an event aimed to show high school graduates and freshmen biotechnology students a variety of professional perspectives and possibilities awaiting them in their future careers, be it in industry or academia. During the event, there is a remarkable opportunity to meet representatives of different biotechnology related professions and listen to their successful stories.
During OAKs (Attractive Conventicles Camps), several days long retreats, attendees take part in workshops that aim to improve the scientific presentation and communication techniques as well as show new ways of transferring knowledge and presenting research results.
WSB ‘Symbioza’ is also actively participating in the yearly Science Picnic of Polish Radio and the Copernicus Science Centre in Warsaw. During a family friendly whole day event with thousands of visitors, we strive to uncover and explain the fascinating world of biotechnology to the youngest enthusiasts.
Symbioza Umysłów (Symbiosis of Minds) is the latest project of the Society that is addressed to secondary schools students. During the recent COVID-19 pandemic, when most education was held online and remotely, we organized an interdisciplinary competition aiming to popularise science and promote cooperation and synergic thinking across the borders among people and scientific disciplines.
Read more about our activities on our website:
Stay in touch with us by following us on Facebook: fb/wsbsymbioza, and Instagram: ig/wsbsymbioza


WSB Symbioza has its roots in student scientific interest groups from the most important universities in Warsaw. To date, members of such interest groups help with various organisational tasks at IBS Symbioza, and act as ambassadors of the conference at their home universities.
Biotechnology Student Interest Group “Herbion” was established in 2003 at the Faculty of Chemistry of the Warsaw University of Technology. For all these years “Herbion” conveyed a number of scientific projects, form the construction of a bioreactor, through biotransformations using enzymes, creation of a Warsaw University of Technology perfume brand “Entropy”, to genetically engineered phage of lactic acid bacteria. The Herbions, as the members proudly call themselves, popularized biotechnology through science shows and promoted the Faculty and the University during many mass events such as the Science Picnic of Polish Radio and the Copernicus Science Centre, the SIGs and Student Organizations’ Fair, open days at Warsaw University of Technology and Academic Village during yearly student carnival (Juwenalia). Other activities include organizing many educational trips, such as nine Biotechnology Students Science Camps, excursions to the brewery in Zywiec, Lublin and Tychy, to Avon, or Dr. Irena Eris factories and even to Central Forensic Laboratory of the Warsaw Metropolitan Police.
KNBiotech Science Club is a student research organization at the Faculty of Biology and Bi-
otechnology at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW). Operating since 1997, the club
unites students of biological faculties interested in the broadly understood biological sciences,
in particular focusing on the field of biotechnology. Members carry out specific projects aimed
at developing their interests. In addition to scientific activity, participants of KNBiotech are
involved in popularization events, such as the Science Picnic of Polish Radio and the Copernicus
Science Center, Days of Warsaw University of Life Sciences and numerous scientific conferences.
“Antidotum” is a student organization that has been active at the University of Warsaw since 2012. Over the years, the organization has become an important platform for students to explore and deepen their knowledge in the field, as well as exchange experiences with likeminded individuals. One of the most notable achievements of the organization is the successful organization of the “Biofusion” student scientific conference. This conference has been organized for five editions so far, and has attracted significant interest from students and academics alike. Through its activities, “Antidotum” has become a hub for students interested in biomedical sciences at the University of Warsaw. Overall, “Antidotum” remains a vital and important student organization at the University of Warsaw, providing a supportive community and a platform for students to engage in meaningful discussions, exchange ideas, and explore the exciting and ever-evolving field of biomedical sciences.
“Genesis” is a student association from the University of Warsaw, specialising in synthetic biology. Their achievements include winning a bronze medal at the Synthetic Biology Competition “Gogec” with a project proposal focusing on bacterial gamma interferon. Presently, the Genesis team, in collaboration with the Eureka journal, is developing a popular science course that covers the fundamentals of synthetic biology. We also secure funding for off-site conferences for the active members. Team’s primary goal for the upcoming months is to produce and publish a comprehensive review paper.
During the earlier editions, the organisers were also supported by the members of other student organisations: Molecular Biology Student Club at the University of Warsaw, and the EVIONA Students Research Club at the Medical University of Warsaw.