Introtuction of the first speaker of 5th IBS “Symbioza”
Opublikowano: Saturday January 30th, 2016The 5th Intercollegiate Biotechnology Symposium “Symbioza” will be hosting excellent speakers from Poland and abroad. Today we would like to start introduceing our guests.
prof. Maciej Kurpisz from Institute of Human Genetics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Poznan, Poland.
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Head of the Department of Reproductive Biology and Stem Cells in Human Genetics Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Poznan, and andrologist in the European Centre of Motherhood InviMed in Poznan. “Man of the Year 2010” by Americal Biographical Society in recognition of outstanding scientific discoveries and achievements and for dedication and excellence. Professor Maciej Kurpisz deals with diagnosis and treatment with a special focus on infertility andrology, genetics, medicine and anti-aging Immunology (regenerative medicine using stem cells). The pioneering nature of scientific approaches – research in the field of human reproductive biology, global nature of the work of his team, outstanding publishing and organizational achievements closely linked with the latest trends and broad international cooperation, make prof. Kurpisz an outstanding scientist, teacher and doctor.
Selected recent publications:
1. X-Linked TEX11 Mutations, Meiotic Arrest, and Azoospermia in Infertile Men, New Engl. J. Med. 2015, 371, 2097.
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3…2…1… HERE WE GO!!!
Opublikowano: Thursday January 21st, 2016Registration form for the 5th Intercollegiate Biotechnology Symposium “Symbioza” is now available! The registration and abstract submission deadline is set to 26th of February. Please note that the form is only available in polish. But if you want to participate in one of the best biotechnologist conference in Poland – don’t hesitate and contact us at
Let’s meet on April 22 -24!
Venue of the 5th IBS “Symbioza”
Opublikowano: Sunday January 10th, 2016We have the pleasure to announce that 5th Intercollegiate Biotechnology Symposium “Symbioza” will take place in newly opened Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer Management of Warsaw University of Technology (pol. CZIITT PW). CZIITT is a part of the project Warsaw Technological Space. Its activity covers the whole spectra of innovation – starting with identification of innovative effects of research, through the development of new solutions in the field of technology transfer and managing innovative projects, up to promotion of knowledge about this issue. CZIITT also offers space for development and creativity growth for students, PhD students and young scientists.
Opublikowano: Sunday October 18th, 2015We started the enrollment to our Society! If you would like to help in creating one of the best student conference on Poland, please fill in the contact form!
We will meet on November 5th 2015 in CRS Riviera building, room A 101. If you cannot reach us in this time write about it in the Comments section of the form – we will contact you!
Nagrody na 4. MSB Symbioza rozdane
Opublikowano: Sunday May 31st, 2015We introduce to you thw Winners of contests for the best presentations of 4th edition of Sympozium! Honest congratulations for the winness!
Awards for the best oral presentation:
1. place: Jarosław Jucha (UJ)
2. place: Mariusz Madej (UJ)
3. place: Joanna Mazur (UAM)
Awards for the best poster
1. place: Agnieszka Borowik (UG-GUM)
2. place: Ewelina Toporowska (WUM)
3. place: Marcelina Musiałek (UŁ)
Audience Awards
For the best poster: Patrycja Mazurczak (SGGW)
For the best oral presentation: Anna Jurek (UG-GUM)
The 4th edition begins!
Opublikowano: Friday May 29th, 2015Today, May 29th 2015, the 4th Intercollegiate Biotechnology Symposium “Symbioza” is begining! We cannot wait for all these great presentations of yours!
Wsparcie od Linegal Chemicals
Opublikowano: Tuesday May 19th, 2015Do grona tegorocznych sponsorów dołączyła firma Linegal Chemicals.
Linegal Chemicals jest znaczącym dostawcą produktów i usług dla sektora badawczego, przemysłowego oraz wielu budżetowych instytucji o profilu chemicznym, medycznym, biologicznym i ochrony środowiska.
Aby dowiedzieć się więcej koniecznie odwiedź stronę:
Współpraca z Browarem Bednary
Opublikowano: Wednesday May 6th, 2015W tym roku sponsoruje nas Browar Bednary.
W pierwszy dzień konferencji, o godzi. 19.10 usłyszymy przedstawicieli tej właśnie firmy w wykładzie branżowym pt. “Od browaru domowego do rzemieślniczego”.
Browar Bednary to jedyny browar w regionie łowickim i pierwszy browar rzemieślniczy w Polsce, za realizacją którego stoi jeden piwowar domowy, 100% niezależności!
Koniecznie sprawdźcie kto pomaga nam rozkręcić imprezę integracyjną:
Promega nas sponsoruje
Opublikowano: Saturday April 25th, 2015Do grona tegorocznych sponsorów dołączyła firma PROMEGA.
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