Prof. Salvador Borrós i Gómez
This spring representant of technological current on “Symbioza” Symposium is
Prof. Salvador Borrós i Gómez.
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Prof. Gómez is not only a leader of GEMAT group handling materials engineering in independent Químico de Sarrià (IQS) but also a Chemical Engineerind and Materials Science Department Head on Ramon Llull University in Barcelona. After graduation in chemical engineering and managment in industrial company, in 2004 he earned title of full professor in Bioengineering. Prof. Gómez is also a Founder member of the Center of Technology in Cultural Heritage Conservation. In his work he smoothly moved from strictly materials science to biological subject connected for eg. with cartilage and bone tissue cultures, polymer systems for drug doseage or bioactive surfaces enhancing cell signaling.
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