Wanda Kukulski, Ph.D.

Registration deadline is approaching, therefore we would like to present the last confirmed plenary lecturer of this year Symposium.

Wanda Kukulski Ph.D. , MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, England


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Wanda Kukulski is Swiss biologist and biophysicist of Polish descent. She graduated from the University of Basel, then moved to M.E. Müller Institute for High Resolution Microscopy, Biozentrum. The following years she spent at the EMBL in Heidelberg in J. Briggs team, where she developed a breakthrough  correlation microscopy techniques which were distinguished by unprecedented sensitivity and spatial precision. Then Wanda Kukulski was chosen to create her own  research group in famous Laboratory of Molecular Biology (LMB) at University of Cambridge. Her research group is now involved in study of dynamics of biological membranes that control the endosomal transport and role of mambrane architecture at the interface between cell organelles. The aim of this research is to understand the influence of membrane architecturure on the mechanisms of transmembrane communication processes and cellular transport.

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